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Success Stories
Hip-Hop dancers are getting ready for the biggest dance competition in the world
The world of ballet through the lens of Denislav Kanev
Break Dance Bgirl Queen Mary – about breaking, stubbornness and the desire for success
Diana Alexandrova – dance is the greatest passion
Interviews with successful people
Looking to the future with architect Valeri Gyurov
Art Villa Orlova Chuka – guest house in a beautiful Natural Park
The world of ballet through the lens of Denislav Kanev
Jeremy? a band that embodies the ambition on the indie rock stage
Coaching techniques: how to improve your life
Martial arts as a way of life
Science BG Magazine
Startup Ideas from San Francisco to Sweden – Justin Phelps Interview
Nasimo – in the world of graffiti art
10 Inspirational Meme Quotes
How a children’s entertainment became a successful business idea
Forbes 30 Under 30 Entrepreneur is Working with Scientists from All Over the World
How to get a job in London
Halfbike 3 – The New Type of Urban Vehicle
A painter with works in Art Louvre Expo Paris and the Museum of Fine Arts in Las Vegas
The first victim of every war is the truth
Decoration ideas for Christmas: Advent Calendars and Stockings
Zanara combines in her paintings her passion for folklore, legends and myths
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