The talent of Preyah - Success Stories Magazine
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Success Stories Magazine
Success Stories Preyah Music
Boian Bochev

Cover Image:
Neli Kurteva

Issue 3 – December 2015

The talent of Preyah

In this issue we will present a charming, extremely talented and very enthusiastic young performer. Her career has just begun, but she can already boast of 4 excellent video singles and an avalanche-like growing number of fans. Smiling, positive, but also overly exuberant …

We are introducing Preyah Osasey to you.

Enjoy reading …

Boian Bochev for Success Stories Mag:
Hello, Preyah! How are you, what is your mood, where do we find you at the moment?

Hi! I feel wonderful, thank you.

You find me hidden from the cold.
“All our places” is the name of your new video single. Is this the most mature song so far and what different features of yourself have you revealed in this composition?

For the first time in “All our places” I tried to convey an emotion, which is not personally mine. There I am a storyteller, rather than a direct participant. I hope I have done a good job.
The story of the single begins with a gift – one of the first copies of the bestseller “All The Bright Places” by Jennifer Niven, accompanied by a proposal to you to create a soundtrack to the novel.

Yes, it was an unusual proposal, which I accepted with pleasure, largely because of its strangeness. For a long time I did not know how to approach it, as the book left me with very mixed feelings.

I was sure to not want to retell it, but I rather wanted to express, in some way, the emotion, with which I was left after reading it. It took time to have these emotions crystallized in lyrics.
Preyah Photo © Preyah

Preyah, as your fans know perfectly well, you yourself are the author of the lyrics of your songs. I wonder how long have you been writing, where does inspiration strike you most often?

I think I found out such inclinations in me, when, as a shool girl, I wrote a poem for my teacher to celebrate the last school day.

I remember that then I liked it very much. Inspiration most often strikes me when I’m alone with myself, and if I am outside the urban clamor, the outbursts of inspiration multiply significantly. Much of the books, I have read, have changed my emotional self.

That’s why I read.

Books are something like a crash course on living.
By joining the project Studio Live, you probably signal another direction in which you can develop your personal music – with more live instruments and why not, a more harsh, even experimental pop sound. How do you imagine your future projects and do you have an idea of a new song?

The concept of this series implied that sound. It was extremely pleasant to me to have my pieces rearranged. Of course, we are already working on a new song and I assure you that nobody could foresee what exactly to expect.
I know that, when you were a child, you were part of a school choir. But do you play some instrument (piano or guitar), and do you also imagine yourself as a musician on the stage?

Again, when I was a child, I had aspirations to several instruments, that subsequently proved to not be the right ones for me, except piano.

I took lessons, but my mother told the teacher that I would not go any more, without my consent or even without me knowing that at all, because of a misunderstanding (or because adults know everything, and children “do not understand”) and several months ago I cut my relationship with it. We’ll see how far this will go…
concert in bulgaria © Asen Petkov
Abba concert © Neli Kurteva
on stage © Neli Kurteva
Preyah, for a little over a year now you have made 4 solo video singles. Each of these music pieces has its own, I would call it, social message. Beside through your songs, do you consider yourself part of a social initiative and what campaign would you sincerely support?

Definitely! For me the most meaningful benefit of being a public figure is sending messages to the largest possible mass of people – meaningful messages, which lead to a universal progress.

There are so many things in the world that need to be repaired, so I can not start listing the campaigns I would support.

What is your definition of ambition and can one achieve real success without it?

For me ambition is a powerful force. Even if real success is possible without it, it would be of short duration. I think it is quite a useful quality, and if absent, evolution would be a bigger failure. 🙂
Learn more about Preyah:

Preyah on Youtube

Preyah on Facebook

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