Hayes & Y – a new name on the London stage - Success Stories Magazine
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Success Stories Magazine

Hayes & Y

a new name on the London stage

Hayes, Hillingdon, has been a part of West London since 1965 on. What Hayes is most popular in the world, is the inscription “Hayes, Middlesex”, engraved on the back of the first records of The Beatles.

Today we will meet a contemporary musical band.

They are Hayes & Y!

Maybe exactly the “Y” (a homophone of “Why?”) will be the thread of my interview with Blago Atanasov – frontman and guitarist, and Rado Lozanov – lead guitarist of the group …

Why have they chosen to follow their dreams, why did they anchor in the foggy Albion, why do they not like being asked “Why?”.

The last 12 months have been amazing for Hayes & Y: two EP albums: “Heiz ənd Wai” and “The Only Thing Worse Than An Overpriced Bottle of Water”; a concert at the festival Spirit of Burgas in front of an audience of nearly 10-thousand people, just before Kasabian; a mini tour in England, three official video singles and they are already part of the club scene of London.

Boyan Bochev

Issue 2 – November 2015

Listen You Make Me Sick :

Boyan Bochev for Success Stories Mag:
Where do I find you now?

We are in our rented apartment in London where we have been living for several weeks. We are going to have a concert at a local club in Camden. Our short-term goal is to play in more and more locations and to find our place on the local scene.
© Hayes & Y
© Plamen Bijev
What are your first impressions of the British capital?

London is a great place where you can meet all kinds of people and try everything. Everything is at your fingertips in London. We seek development and that’s why we are here. Music is for young people and none wants to discover a new group whose members are already in their forties. So we have no time to waste, our time is now. I also hope that our place is here.
© Dobrin Kashavelov/span>
What is leading for you as a group?

If a person does not believe in himself, it makes no sense to start doing anything. We firmly stand for our position as a group, having a clear idea of ​​what we want to achieve. As inspiration I take the biography of U2, whose music career began in a very similar way to ours and with much effort, luck and, of course, great songs, they have become one of the legendary rock groups.
© Hayes & Y
What are the feedback and the comments on your new products?

We feel that the new songs are a step in a positive direction for us. As a production, as a record, as an emotion they are better than the previous songs.

It will be interesting to see if the songs will live their own life and that is what will define them as good or bad. If a song is good enough, it itself finds its way to people.
© DK Photography
Are you tempted to experiment in any of the different styles, which make up the contemporary music?

The sound must be modern, we strive to constantly invest in the sound of the band so as to sound like a contemporary band. We will not change our style, we remain a rock band, but you can expect more electro sounds in our future songs.

Do you have favorite English football teams from Premier League?

We are interested in football, but so far there is no way that we spend money on going to a live match, so we rely on the local pub.
© DK Photography
© Fiddler’s Elbow – Camden
How would you define ambition and is real success possible without it?

Our ambition stems from several things.

Leading is our love of music.

But there are also a few other factors – for example, I am very ambitious to not go back to office work. Clearly, one can not get results without ambition. I hope we will not lose ours.
Learn more about Hayes & Y:

Visit the Hayes & Y website

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