The big dreams, courage and insatiable spirit of adventure - Success Stories Magazine
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Success Stories Magazine
Diyana Alcheva Young woman in Nevada City
Polina Choparinova

The big dreams, courage and insatiable spirit of adventure

Interview with Diyana Alcheva

Polina Choparinova for Success Stories Mag:
Where do you live and what is your occupation?

Diyana Alcheva:
Since the beginning of the year I have been living in an enchanting little town – Nevada City, in the Sierra mountains in California. The population numbers several thousand people, mostly artistic natures, artists and people of free spirit. Finding this place, I realized that it provides the perfect setting for me to fight back the stress, the tense everyday life or the business circles which I had devoted myself to for the past 10 years.

life and business coach © Diyana Alcheva
Here, among the magnificent nature, I could find the peace of mind I needed. Most of the time I spend with my new talented artistic friends listening to music, having fun and enjoying life with all my senses. All this helped me find spiritual balance and strengthen my health. I manage to maintain a balance thanks to a number of spiritually enriching exercises. Naturally, the entrepreneurship spirit is alive in me and therefore I spend several hours a week as a life and business coach.

How did it happen that you decided to go to America?

I had friends who went to study abroad, and this seemed to me the only alternative. So I decided to apply in Los Angeles, where I had an acquaintance who was willing to help me settle there. I was accepted, but the college failed to send me the documents in time and I was refused a visa.

Coincidentally, I met an American guy on the Internet, whom I madly fell in love with and he helped me go to Portland with a student visa. I studied at Portland Community College for a year and then we got married.
Good Presentation © Diyana Alcheva
How and when did your professional path start?

I would say that I have been an entrepreneur since I was a little child. In my childhood they used to say about me that I had a commercial flair. When I was ten, I brought necklaces to school and sold them. I also took my classmates home so that they tried on clothes from the goods of my mum who had a business then.

When I arrived in America, my husband’s business was declining, so he had to fire all his employees. Then I was forced to get familiar with the business quickly and to do several things simultaneously.
Tell our readers about your professional success!

In 2007 we created an online start-up company. Among the initial services were the free online training site “Renegade University” and a paid membership option with an access to a lot more information “Renegade Professional”, as well as the training system for life coaches “Coaching Cognition”.
For two years we managed to generate more than 6 million dollars with our partners, and on the opening day in April 2008, for less than 48 hours, we generated 1.1 million dollars in online sales of membership and our additional business training programs. The next few years I was involved in the creation of two other start-up companies with great success – Social Media Buzz with Video and Futuristic Academy. At the same time I was developing my personal on-line coaching, training and dealing with business consulting.
At that time I created several training products in the field of social media: Facebook Mastery Club, Twitter Mastery Club and Instabrand, which is aimed at teaching people how to successfully use Instagram. In recent years I have had the privilege to speak on stage in the field of on-line marketing, social media, business success at one of the largest conferences in the industry, sometimes attended by over 1,000 people.

© Diyana Alcheva
Which qualities does one need to possess in order to succeed abroad and to establish oneself as a professional?

I think that, wherever a person is, to succeed in life, one must possess a positive attitude, enthusiasm, sense of purpose. Everyone should know what one wants in personal and professional aspect and have one’s own definition of success, because it is individual for each person. For me the meaning of success is finding the balance between personal and professional life. The ability to adhere to a healthy lifestyle and to work in a field that makes me feel complete by using my skills.
Yoga for beginners © Diyana Alcheva
I think that people make a big mistake by focusing on career and material stimulus as a sign of success.

This is a mistake that I myself used to make in the past.

We should not ignore little things such as proper breathing, healthy sleep, physical activity, good nutrition and regular meditation, through which we can effectively overcome stress and balance our life.

To establish yourself as a professional, you need to act like a professional, which means being correct, accurate and fulfilling your commitments. It is important to know when to say “no” and to not commit yourself to things that you lack the capacity to fulfill.

How and by what methods can one most quickly attract the attention of potential customers on the Internet?

This is a question that can not be answered in a few sentences, but I would definitely recommend becoming familiar with and following the method of Attraction Marketing. In short, the idea of ​​Attraction Marketing is to provide regular updates and valuable information to consumers. I would advise that one uses all up-to-date methods of communication with customers: Video marketing, Blogging, Podcasting, Email marketing, Socia media sites.
instagram marketing © Instagram – Diyana Alcheva
travel around the world © Diyana Alcheva
What have you learned by being in the USA?

I have learned that there is always something new to learn in life; that there are no impossible goals if you have the desire and the perseverance to achieve them.

It is very important to not forget our roots, to not break the connection with our homeland and whenever possible, in any way possible, to contribute to its welfare.
Learn more about Diyana Alcheva:

Diyana Alcheva on Facebook

Diyana Alcheva on Instagram

Diyana Alcheva on Twitter

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